Robert Smith's Personal Home Page


Rm 123, Anatomy-Chemistry Bldg.
Department of Neuroscience
Univ of PA
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6058

Call me "Rob".

  • Background:

    1955-1968    Germantown Friends School
    1968-71      Haverford College
    1972-78      Self-taught in electronics
    1978-80      Research Specialist in Electronics, Inst. Neurol Sci, Univ of PA
    1980-82      Res. Asst. for Dr. Peter Sterling, Univ. of PA
    1982-89 PhD  Graduate program, Dept. of Anatomy, Univ of PA
    1989-91      Post-doctoral fellow, Dept. of Anatomy, Univ of PA
    1991-97      Research Assistant Professor, Dept. of Neuroscience, Univ. of PA
    1997-2023    Research Associate Professor, Dept. of Neuroscience, Univ. of PA
    2023-        Adjunct Associate Professor, Dept. of Neuroscience, Univ. of PA

    About me:

    I like a good conversation, and enjoy working on projects with others.

    Am a neuroscientist and I think the topic of what neurons and neural circuits do can be interesting for everyone.

    I'm a Quaker and attend Germantown Meeting in Philadelphia. I enjoy the quiet and the competent people there.

    I've written two books on nutrition, The Vitamin Cure for Eye Disease, and The Vitamin Cure for Arthritis. They're available for order online and at local book stores.


    I enjoy:

  • shop projects at home, in wood, metal, and electronics.

  • a photography hobby and like to take portraits and landscapes. I enjoy printing enlargements.

  • in winter, cross-country skiing. In the spring, summer, fall, and winter, I like to bike, hike, canoe and camp. In the summer I also like to sail and swim in the ocean.

  • gardening and grow my own vegetables (beans, broccoli, tomatoes) in the summer.

  • playing recorder by ear and enjoy a good jam session with guitar, piano, etc.

  • singing and enjoy folk, spiritual, and carols.

  • making tentative connections between my scientific knowledge about the brain and the natural basis for spirituality.

  • learning about nutrition to keep healthy, and providing advice on nutrients.