Persistence of Vision ™ Ray-Tracer
Draft date November 26, 1998
Copyright 1998 POV-Team ™
POV-Ray ™ is based on DKBTrace 2.12 by David K. Buck and Aaron A. Collins.
POV-Ray, POV-Help, POV-Team, and Persistence of Vision are trademarks of the POV-Team.
Notice: this custom modified distribution of the POV-Ray documentation was produced by Mark Gordon. See him for support of this distribution rather than the POV-Ray team. Updates may be found at his POV-Ray page. Modifications consisted of:
Introduction *
Program Description *
What is Ray-Tracing? *
What is POV-Ray? *
How Do I Begin? *
Notation and Basic Assumptions *
What's New in POV-Ray 3.1? *
Media Replaces Halo & Atmosphere *
New #macro Feature *
Arrays Added *
File I/O and other Directives *
Additional New Features *
Beginning Tutorial *
Our First Image *
Understanding POV-Ray's Coordinate System *
Adding Standard Include Files *
Adding a Camera *
Describing an Object *
Adding Texture to an Object *
Defining a Light Source *
Simple Shapes *
Box Object *
Cone Object *
Cylinder Object *
Plane Object *
CSG Objects *
What is CSG? *
CSG Union *
CSG Intersection *
CSG Difference *
CSG Merge *
CSG Pitfalls *
Coincidence Surfaces *
Advanced Shapes *
Bicubic Patch Object *
Blob Object *
Component Types and Other New Features *
Complex Blob Constructs and Negative Strength *
Height Field Object *
Lathe Object *
Understanding The Concept of Splines *
Mesh Object *
Polygon Object *
Prism Object *
Teaching An Old Spline New Tricks *
Smooth Transitions *
Multiple Sub-Shapes *
Conic Sweeps And The Tapering Effect *
Superquadric Ellipsoid Object *
Surface of Revolution Object *
Text Object *
Torus Object *
The Light Source *
The Pointlight Source *
The Spotlight Source *
The Cylindrical Light Source *
The Area Light Source *
The Ambient Light Source *
Light Source Specials *
Using Shadowless Lights *
Assigning an Object to a Light Source *
Using Light Fading *
Simple Texture Options *
Surface Finishes *
Adding Bumpiness *
Creating Color Patterns *
Pre-defined Textures *
Advanced Texture Options *
Pigments *
Using Color List Pigments *
Using Pigment and Patterns *
Using Pattern Modifiers *
Using Transparent Pigments and Layered Textures *
Using Pigment Maps *
Normals *
Using Basic Normal Modifiers *
Blending Normals *
Finishes *
Using Ambient *
Using Surface Highlights *
Using Reflection and Metallic *
Using Iridescence *
Working With Pigment Maps *
Working With Normal Maps *
Working With Texture Maps *
Working With List Textures *
What About Tiles? *
Average Function *
Working With Layered Textures *
Declaring Layered Textures *
Another Layered Textures Example *
When All Else Fails: Material Maps *
Limitations Of Special Textures *
Using the Camera *
Using Focal Blur *
Using Atmospheric Effects *
The Background *
The Sky Sphere *
Creating a Sky with a Color Gradient *
Adding the Sun *
Adding Some Clouds *
The Fog *
A Constant Fog *
Setting a Minimum Translucency *
Creating a Filtering Fog *
Adding Some Turbulence to the Fog *
Using Ground Fog *
Using Multiple Layers of Fog *
Fog and Hollow Objects *
The Rainbow *
Starting With a Simple Rainbow *
Increasing the Rainbow's Translucency *
Using a Rainbow Arc *
Animation *
The Clock Variable: Key To It All *
Clock Dependant Variables And Multi-Stage Animations *
The Phase Keyword *
Do Not Use Jitter Or Crand *
INI File Settings *
POV-Ray Options *
Setting POV-Ray Options *
Command Line Switches *
Using INI Files *
Using the POVINI Environment Variable *
Options Reference *
Animation Options *
External Animation Loop *
Internal Animation Loop *
Subsets of Animation Frames *
Cyclic Animation *
Field Rendering *
Output Options *
General Output Options *
Height and Width of Output *
Partial Output Options *
Interrupting Options *
Resuming Options *
Display Output Options *
Display Hardware Settings *
Display Related Settings *
Mosaic Preview *
File Output Options *
Output File Type *
Output File Name *
Output File Buffer *
CPU Utilization Histogram *
File Type *
File Name *
Grid Size *
Scene Parsing Options *
Input File Name *
Library Paths *
Language Version *
Shell-out to Operating System *
String Substitution in Shell Commands *
Shell Command Sequencing *
Shell Command Return Actions *
Text Output *
Text Streams *
Console Text Output *
Directing Text Streams to Files *
Help Screen Switches *
Tracing Options *
Quality Settings *
Radiosity Setting *
Automatic Bounding Control *
Removing User Bounding *
Anti-Aliasing Options *
Scene Description Language *
Language Basics *
Identifiers and Keywords *
Comments *
Float Expressions *
Float Literals *
Float Identifiers *
Float Operators *
Built-in Float Identifiers *
Boolean Keywords *
Float Functions *
Vector Expressions *
Vector Literals *
Vector Identifiers *
Vector Operators *
Operator Promotion *
Built-in Vector Identifiers *
Vector Functions *
Specifying Colors *
Color Vectors *
Color Keywords *
Color Identifiers *
Color Operators *
Common Color Pitfalls *
Strings *
String Literals *
String Identifiers *
String Functions *
Array Identifiers *
Declaring Arrays *
Array Initalizers *
Language Directives *
Include Files and the #include Directive. *
The #declare and #local Directives *
Declaring identifiers *
#declare vs. #local *
Identifier Name Collisions *
Destroying Identifiers with #undef *
File I/O Directives *
The #fopen Directive *
The #fclose Directive *
The #read Directive *
The #write Directive *
The #default Directive *
The #version Directive *
Conditional Directives *
The #if...#else...#end Directives *
The #ifdef and #ifndef Directives *
The #switch, #case, #range and #break Directives *
The #while...#end Directive *
User Message Directives *
Text Message Streams *
Text Formatting *
User Defined Macros *
The #macro Directive *
Invoking Macros *
Are POV-Ray Macros a Function or a Macro? *
Returning a Value Like a Function *
Returning Values Via Parameters *
POV-Ray Coordinate System *
Transformations *
Translate *
Scale *
Rotate *
Matrix Keyword *
Transformation Order *
Transform Identifiers *
Transforming Textures and Objects *
Camera *
Placing the Camera *
Location and Look_At *
The Sky Vector *
Angle *
The Direction Vector *
Up and Right Vectors *
Aspect Ratio *
Handedness *
Transforming the Camera *
Types of Projection *
Focal Blur *
Camera Ray Perturbation *
Camera Identifiers *
Objects *
Finite Solid Primitives *
Blob *
Box *
Cone *
Cylinder *
Height Field *
Julia Fractal *
Lathe *
Prism *
Sphere *
Superquadric Ellipsoid *
Surface of Revolution *
Text *
Torus *
Finite Patch Primitives *
Bicubic Patch *
Disc *
Mesh *
Polygon *
Triangle and Smooth Triangle *
Infinite Solid Primitives *
Plane *
Poly, Cubic and Quartic *
Quadric *
Constructive Solid Geometry *
Inside and Outside *
Union *
Intersection *
Difference *
Merge *
Light Sources *
Point Lights *
Spotlights *
Cylindrical Lights *
Area Lights *
Shadowless Lights *
Looks_like *
Light Fading *
Atmospheric Media Interaction *
Atmospheric Attenuation *
Object Modifiers *
Clipped_By *
Bounded_By *
Inverse *
Hollow *
No_Shadow *
Sturm *
Interior *
Why are Interior and Media Necessary? *
Empty and Solid Objects *
Refraction *
Attenuation *
Faked Caustics *
Object Media *
Textures *
Pigment *
Solid Color Pigments *
Color List Pigments *
Color Maps *
Pigment Maps and Pigment Lists *
Image Maps *
Specifying an Image Map *
The Filter and Transmit Bitmap Modifiers *
Using the Alpha Channel *
Quick Color *
Normal *
Slope Maps *
Normal Maps and Normal Lists *
Bump Maps *
Specifying a Bump Map *
Bump_Size *
Use_Index and Use_Color *
Finish *
Ambient *
Diffuse Reflection Items *
Diffuse *
Brilliance *
Crand Graininess *
Highlights *
Phong Highlights *
Specular Highlight *
Metallic Highlight Modifier *
Specular Reflection *
Iridescence *
Halo *
Patterned Textures *
Texture Maps *
Tiles *
Material Maps *
Specifying a Material Map *
Layered Textures *
Patterns *
Agate *
Average *
Boxed *
Bozo *
Brick *
Bumps *
Checker *
Crackle *
Cylindrical *
Density_File *
Dents *
Gradient *
Granite *
Hexagon *
Leopard *
Mandel *
Marble *
Onion *
Planar *
Quilted *
Radial *
Ripples *
Spherical *
Spiral1 *
Spiral2 *
Spotted *
Waves *
Wood *
Wrinkles *
Pattern Modifiers *
Transforming Patterns *
Frequency and Phase *
Waveforms *
Turbulence *
Octaves *
Lambda *
Omega *
Warps *
Black Hole Warp *
Repeat Warp *
Turbulence Warp *
Bitmap Modifiers *
The once Option *
The map_type Option *
The interpolate Option *
Media *
Media Types *
Absorption *
Emission *
Scattering *
Sampling Parameters *
Density *
General Density Modifiers *
Density with color_map *
Density Maps and Density Lists *
Multiple Density vs Multiple Media *
Atmospheric Effects *
Atmospheric Media *
Background *
Fog *
Sky Sphere *
Rainbow *
Global Settings *
ADC_Bailout *
Ambient Light *
Assumed_Gamma *
Monitor Gamma *
Image File Gamma *
Scene File Gamma *
HF_Gray_16 *
Irid_Wavelength *
Max_Trace_Level *
Max_Intersections *
Number_Of_Waves *
Radiosity *
How Radiosity Works *
Adjusting Radiosity *
brightness *
count *
distance_maximum *
error_bound *
gray_threshold *
low_error_factor *
minimum_reuse *
nearest_count *
recursion_limit *
Tips on Radiosity *
Copyright, Legal Information and License -- POVLEGAL.DOC *
General License Agreement -- POVLEGAL.DOC *
Usage Provisions *
General Rules For All Distribution *
Definition Of "Full Package" *
Conditions For Shareware/Freeware Distribution Companies *
Conditions For On-Line Services And Bbs's Including Internet *
Online Or Remote Execution Of POV-Ray *
Permitted Modification And Custom Versions *
Conditions For Distribution Of Custom Versions *
Conditions For Commercial Bundling *
POV-Team Endorsement Prohibitions *
Retail Value Of This Software *
Other Provisions *
Revocation Of License *
Disclaimer *
Technical Support *
Authors *
Contacting the Authors *
What to do if you don't have POV-Ray *
Which Version of POV-Ray should you use? *
Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT *
MS-Dos & Windows 3.x *
Linux for Intel x86 *
Apple Macintosh *
Amiga *
SunOS *
Generic Unix *
All Versions *
Where to Find POV-Ray Files *
POV-Ray Forum on CompuServe *
World Wide Website *
Books, Magazines and CD-ROMs *
Compiling POV-Ray *
Directory Structure *
Configuring POV-Ray Source *
Conclusion *
Suggested Reading *